11.12.2024 • Travel

Namibia in Green

Most travelers to Namibia are only familiar with this wonderful country in its dry season. No wonder: the rainy season in southern Africa is usually very short. This makes it all the more special to experience Namibia in all of the splendor of its lush greenery.
Text and Photos: Gunther Stoschek

After years of drought, the long-awaited rain finally poured steadily over the entire Khomas Highland. Within hours, bone-dry riverbeds were transformed into roaring floods which cut off a whole series of farms from the outside world for several days. It was not until the middle of April that the rain stopped and, with the return of its usual sunny weather, this region of Namibia flourished once again. On the flight into Windhoek, we could clearly see the spurt in vegetation growth that had taken place within the span of just a few days. The once reddish-brown earth and grey undergrowth were now blanketed in the deepest green.

Even the Sney Rivier Lodge with its unobtrusive, stylish elegance was now almost hidden among the deep green trees and bushes. Although the lodge and the area around it radiate an incomparable charm even during the dry season, they now gave one the impression of being in a giant botanical garden.

The other guests had arrived a few days before we did, and were already enjoying the flair of Namibia in green. Travelers from Canada, Bulgaria and northern Germany were already on their second or third holidays here at Sney Rivier. It was revealed during the evening social hour that the wives had in fact talked their husbands into making another trip here. On the one hand, it seemed odd for the wives to have inspired their husbands to take a hunting trip here, but on the other hand it is completely understandable once one has experienced how harmonious a Sney Rivier holiday together can be.
Those who have learned to value Namibia’s natural beauty, perfect quiet, stylish accommodations and first-class, unobtrusive service will always enjoy perfect satisfaction. But there is one thing that hunters must realize: After a long rainy season, the dense green vegetation makes for a very demanding hunt. The game finds plenty to graze on everywhere, so it does not need to range nearly as far and wide as it does during the dry season. And, of course, the game is much harder to make out when it is concealed in the dense green bush. The numerous giraffes, whose long necks stick far above the undergrowth, are about the only thing that can be seen in the distance with the naked eye. Stalking close for old kudu and eland bulls is even more thrilling. Even the most experienced and world-wise professional hunters can’t help but feel an indescribable fever for the hunt.

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