Where dreams come true
However, Rainer Schwarz's passion for hunting in Hungary started differently. “Buck hunting brought me to Hungary for the first time many years ago,” recalls the Austrian-born hunter, ”and since then I have never been able to let go of Hungary as a hunting country with its diverse opportunities.” Not only can you hunt in Hungary all year round - the season runs from March 1 to February 28 - but also the variety of game that can be hunted, expert professional hunters, a conscious conservation policy and warm hospitality make hunting in Hungary a very special experience. In most hunting grounds, the hunting year begins a little more quietly, as it is now only possible to hunt overhunters and tuskers. However, with the start of the buck hunt on April 15, more hunters from all over the world come to Hungary. Most of them are drawn to the East Hungarian Plain, where bucks with antlers weighing more than 600 grams in some cases are hunted!