As a manufacturer of hunting firearms it is only logical for us to stand in close connection to the most renowned manufacturers of ammunition. Because we want to provide hunters with ammunition that corresponds to the highest demands – not only in terms of accuracy and effect, but also when it comes to sustainability. This is why we also pick up new trends like the production of lead-free ammunition in order to offer you the best. Therefore it stands to reason that we took part in the development of bullets and have it manufactured exclusively for Blaser.
ATTENTION: Blaser ammunition is not offered for sale, sold, or distributed in North America.

The Blaser CDX is a lead-free deformation bullet that ensures the best protection for venison. With 100% weight retention for extreme penetration, it is ideal for hunting medium to heavy game, even at extended distances.
Available calibers of the CDX:
8,5 x 55 Blaser

The proven Blaser CDC projectile is designed to deliver a safe and accurate kill, with minimal damage to the game meat. The pure copper deformation bullet mushrooms upon impact on the game body splinter-free and symmetrical in four even petals. Its deformation is optimized for European game and is initiated quickly by the deep cavity as well as the polymer tip. This results in a very safe killing effect with superior penetration and a high probability of an exit wound. Thanks to its streamlined bullet shape and the aerodynamic polymer tip, the CDC provides good external ballistics and a flat trajectory for long-distance performance.
Available calibers of the CDC:
6,5 Creedmoor, 6,5x55, 7x64, 7x65 R, 7mm Rem. Mag., .308 Win., .30-06, .30 R Blaser, .300 Win. Mag., 8x57 IS, 8x57 IRS, 8x68 S, 9,3x62, 9,3x74 R

Increased range of applications.
Minimized meat damage.
With the further development of the proven Blaser CDP ammunition in terms of its construction, effectiveness, and precision, the new Blaser CDB offers a significantly increased range of applications. The versatile bullet is ideal for all game weights and distances, making it an indispensable tool for every hunter. The Blaser CDB is characterized by exceptional stopping power and a flatter trajectory, which enables precise and effective shots, even at long distances. With its innovative design, featuring a bullet jacket tapered towards the front and a bullet core that is bonded to the bullet jacket, the Blaser CDB offers superior penetration, and produces a safe kill, with minimal damage to the meat.
Available callibers of the CDB:
6,5 Creedmoor, 6,5x55, 7x64, 7mm Rem. Mag., .308 Win., .30-06, .30 R Blaser, .300 Win. Mag., 8x57 IS, 8x57 IRS, 8x68 S, 9,3x62, 9,3x74 R
In cooperation with Norma, Blaser has developed a brand-new and completely original generation of high-performance cartridges. The latest ammunition technology was applied to achieve optimum performance in each caliber group.
High precision values in conjunction with notably increased energy and velocity make the Blaser Magnum calibers your best choice for long-range shooting – whether you are hunting in the mountains, in the savanna or on a plateau. Thanks to an optimized cartridge geometry, a stable cartridge base and modern powder types as well as the four-groove barrel profiles and adapted twist rates, the Blaser Magnum offers a more comfortable recoil than other Magnum cartridges.
Available calibers of the Magnum:
7mm Blaser Magnum, .300 Blaser Magnum, .338 Blaser Magnum, .375 Blaser Magnum
perfect for long-range shooting
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